AvePro Elevated Bird Netting is the strongest and most versatile exclusion system available. It sets the industry standard for strength, quality, UV stability while also backed by a 10-year warranty. AvePro elevated bird netting significantly reduces the impact of a wide range of pest bird species by denying them access to nesting areas they once utilised. It is the number one choice for literally any architectural configuration that can be enclosed including industrial, commercial and domestic situations. Pest birds “over time” will find a new location to congregate, nest and roost. If you need an effective commercial bird netting solution, we have the right options here. You can also explore our seagull deterrent to protect your property. We have netting solutions for all types of properties and have an experienced team here to assist you. In case you have any questions or would like to find out more about seagull netting, get in touch with us.
It is common for roofs in Melbourne, Sydney and some other Australian locations to be inundated with hundreds and sometimes thousands of Silver Gulls (seagulls), pigeons and other pest bird species. As roofs provide radiant warmth in winter and the gutters, air conditioning systems and walkways provide excellent sheltered nesting locations. Not only are high pressure bird-related issues smelly, but they cause expensive damage to the roof by corrosion of acidic faeces (droppings), blocked gutters, reduction of solar panel efficiency and water harvesting no longer possible.
Birds also carry diseases (zoonotic) which can be past onto humans. Viruses, bacteria, pathogens, fungus and mites can be transported through the air conditioning or on physical human traffic inside an office. Carpets can be impacted, and potential staff absenteeism should be monitored as illness can become an issue in the workplace. The particulate qualities of dried bird faeces can potentially be very dangerous to the WHS of any facility.
Bird netting (AvePro Deluxe 50mm or 19mm black HDPE Knotted Netting) is to be applied under tension. Maximum tension is to be provided to minimize net Sagging – a maximum tolerance of bowing in the net is 50mm (net sections below 10m span) and 100mm (11m – 20m net span).
The AvePro Deluxe net is to be attached to a perimeter cable (AvePro 2.4mm 316 grade stainless steel cable) using net rings (AvePro stainless steel net rings) attached at 50mm intervals. The perimeter cable is to be attached to the perimeter walls using stainless steel intermediate fittings (AvePro Intermediate bracket, AvePro Multi-Purpose Bracket and/or AvePro Masonry Anchor) with a maximum interval of 400mm. The perimeter cable is to be tensioned with turnbuckles (AvePro 316 grade 6 – 8 mm Stainless Steel turnbuckles) and crimped with copper (not aluminium) ferrules (AvePro Copper ferrules).
All net joins must be completed on cables using stainless steel net rings. Zippers must be applied to the nets under all lights, security cameras and serviceable items above the net line, installed using stainless steel net rings. Zipper size is determined by the item to be serviced and / or removed. No equivalent nets, galvanized fittings or alternatives accepted.