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AvePro Bird Spikes

Are you looking for bird spikes?

AvePro Bird Spikes – Purchase direct from the AvePro manufacturer – PestIT Pty Ltd to avoid the “middle man”.

Bird Spikes – AvePro bird spikes are your number one choice when it comes to deterring large pest birds from ledges, parapets, beams, roofs and numerous other building surfaces. AvePro offers building managers and professional installers a durable, effective and long-life system. Our bird deterrent spike is discreet, easy to install and offers versatility to conform to a wide range of architectural building features. Our range is suitable for all species and whether you require pigeon spikes or any other bird or animal specific product, we have you covered. For all your needs for bird spikes in Melbourne, we are the specialists you can trust.

AvePro bird spikes are designed for pest bird species including pigeons, seagulls, crows, ravens, magpies, cockatoos, ibis, cormorants and marine birds. (Not suggested for mynas, starlings, swallows or sparrows – consider other options in the AvePro range.) We can also cater to your needs for bird spikes in Sydney and bird spikes in Brisbane.

Why use stainless steel AvePro bird spikes?

The harsh Australian climate and UV intensity has resulted in the development of the AvePro stainless steel spikes. This product is 302 grade stainless steel and contains no plastic which has shown to breakdown over time in the southern hemisphere. The system has been in use for many years externally on Australian and New Zealand commercial buildings and industrial applications. AvePro has a 5-year manufacturers product replacement warranty for use in external, full sun situations.

We strongly recommend avoiding inferior bird spikes traditionally made with a clear plastic base. The suns ultra-violet (UV) light penetrates through the clear base and has a negative effect on the glue over time. Effects to glue or bonding agents generally include discolouring, weakening, becoming brittle and potential failure. We have witnessed spikes ejecting off multi-story buildings in both Sydney, Melbourne and Canberra within 3 months of installation! This is disastrous for the installer, the building owner and potentially for passers-by.

AvePro Bond

AvePro Bond is a superior locally made polyurethane bonding agent that is renown for out performing its competitors. Specifically designed for the rigors of the harsh Australian climate as well as the challenging role of bonding polycarbonate or stainless steel to traditional building surfaces.

AvePro Bond differs from construction glues that dry brittle, break up under direct sunlight and quickly release spikes from building surfaces. Components such as spike being ejected from a building, often several stories high above pedestrian zones below is a disaster. Avepro Bond is strong but dries flexible and has a neutral cure. It holds our products in place almost immediately.

AvePro Bond is the ideal, specially formulated adhesive bonding agent for installing AvePro Bird Spikes, Shock Track, Bird Angle, Bird Slide, BirdWire Bases and AvePro Huntsman to even the most difficult surface.

AvePro Bond

AvePro Bird Spikes - The Benefits

AvePro Deluxe Bird Spikes are not only made of the most durable construction material available (stainless steel), but the solid base does not allow sunlight to penetrate and impact on the glue. Additionally,  AvePro Deluxe Bird Spikes have holes for screwing into substrates that are unclean, loose material and/or other difficult surfaces. Bird managers should be aware that screwing bird spikes is an additional safety installation technique to consider.

  • Durable materials
  • Designed for Australia climate
  • Longer spike – 500mm
  • Improved installation time
  • Easy to install
  • Versatile design
  • Discreet & almost invisible
  • Totally humane
  • No maintenance
  • Suitable for large pest birds


AvePro Bird Spikes are supplied in two main configurations:

AvePro Bird Spikes

With polycarbonate base
Deluxe Bird Spikes

AvePro Deluxe Bird Spikes

All Stainless Steel
Deluxe Bird SpikesSmall Bird Spikes

AvePro Deluxe Bird Spike

AvePro Deluxe Bird Spike – Stainless Steel bird spikes

AvePro Deluxe Bird Spikes are available in a carton of 20m (each piece is 500mm in length) in three sizes.

Medium (consider AvePro Shock or Netting if birds are nesting).

02 Stainless Steel











Bird Spike Wide

AvePro Bird Spikes Poly Base


AvePro Bird Spikes

AvePro Bird Spike – Stainless Steel spikes with Poly carbonate base. Available in three sizes – see below for dimensions.

Base Material: Poly carbonate

Rod Material: 302 Stainless Steel

Narrow Measurements:

Supplied in a 20m Carton – each piece is 500mm in length.

Width: 70mm

Height: 110mm

Length: 500mm

Wide Measurements:

Supplied in a 20m Carton – each piece is 500mm in length.

Width: 140mm

Height: 110mm

Length: 500mm

X-Wide Measurements: 

Supplied in a 20m Carton – each piece is 500mm in length.

Width: 175mm

Height: 115mm

Length: 500mm

AvePro Bird Spikes are designed for unforgiving Australian conditions. They will deter large pest birds from ledges, parapets, beams, roofs and numerous other architectural features. Examples of birds deterred include pigeons, ibis, crows, ravens and cockatoos to name but a few.

The system has been in use for many years externally on Australian and New Zealand commercial buildings and industrial applications. AvePro offers building managers and professional installers a durable, effective and long life system that can deter large pest birds for years to come.

Pest Bird Species: Larger pest birds such as pigeons, ibis, crows, ravens and cockatoos. Not recommended for small species such as sparrows, starlings, mynas or sparrows.


AvePro SuperSpike NarrowNarrow Bird Spikes

AvePro SuperSpike – Narrow

AvePro SuperSpike Bird Spikes – Stainless Steel

AvePro SuperSpikes – each piece is 500mm in length – available in a carton of 20m.

Available in Narrow



r more information – see below or contact us here!

For more information on AvePro products click here


AvePro Bond

AvePro Bond (300g)

AvePro Bond – Grey 300g

Used to securely bond AvePro products and components to most building surfaces and architectural features.

Colour: Grey
Strong: will securely adhere our products to roof sheeting, concrete, metal, woods, brick, sandstone, plastics

Caulking Gun is required to apply this product.

One AvePro Bond cartridge will fix:

  • 10-12m of Bird Spike
  • 10-15m of Bird Shock
  • 10-12m of Bird Slide
  • 125 BirdWire PVC Bases

For more information on spikes contact us here!

For more information on AvePro products click here

Width configurations

AvePro Deluxe Bird Spikes are available in 500mm lengths and three width configurations.
Used in single or multiple rows, they can protect any width ledge.


Width – 50mm

Height – 110mm

Length – 500mm


Width – 125mm

Height – 115mm

Length – 500mm

Xtra Wide

Width – 195mm

Height – 115mm

Length – 500mm

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